Sunday, November 25, 2012

Walmart - America's Economic Disease

In the wake of Black Friday and the hoards of consumers that flocked to Walmart and other retailers by the millions, I just can't keep mum any longer. There is an epidemic of greed, ignorance, and sheer apathy for the politics in America. The DUOPOLY running Washington is ran by money - money from lobbyists and the top corporations of America - people who can't get enough of it because it boosts their ego into stratospheres unknown by the common man. And there are people out there that are MORE than aware of it; people with more power than the common man: Buddy Roemer's Reform ProjectGary Johnson 2012 Presidential CandidateLawrence Lessig, founder of Harvard's Center for Ethics and Professor of Law who has written many a book, article, and essay on the subject and his resume will blow your mind for the better, and the list just goes on and on. People are out there but they can't be heard. Why? The media, for starters - owned by the largest corporations in America (here's your visual). And those who do have loads and loads of money to purchase the power simply don't. Why? Because they either work for the said largest corporations or are content to live a wealthy life and lack complete remorse for the means to their wealth, ethical or not (I believe most forms of extreme wealth lack ethics to some degree, microscopic or macroscopically speaking). Celebrities don't do us a solid either. They just go around and spend, spend, spend - write songs about "bitches ain't got money like me" and ALL FOR WHAT? What an empty life, if you ask me. But there are some out there that truly do not relish in all their disposable income - people like Angelina Jolie. She's someone who fights for what's right and puts humanity before wealth. In short, there is someone I truly admire to the sun and back. He's been a constant figure in my life for not only entertainment but also as a person who just takes his craft to the limits and never disappoints because he does it out of love. I've recently written him a letter on Facebook and now here in this post, which I plan to tweet out to him. I even sent him a PSA via YouTube regarding the nature of this letter. Here goes...

Dearest Justin,
I know there are a million tags, hashtags, and videos out there that feature your name. But when you YouTube search "Justin Timberlake Walmart," my video comes up on the first page. It's something I'm proud of. I love you and your craft to the sun and back. But I urge you to better inform yourself. Many people feel like celebrities just get so caught up in their lifestyle that they aren't always aware of the world in which the rest of us, the 99% of us, live. I saw you helped out New Yorkers after Hurricane Sandy and have held yearly golf tournaments in Vegas in part with Shriner's Children's Hospital. I know you have a HUGE heart; I've followed you since the beginning of *NSYNC religiously. But this is something that you have done and I am not tolerant of - associating with Walmart. It's not just another place to shop. It's gnawing at the very heart of America and destroys our economy DAILY. I know it's not your responsibility to call out Walmart - but I don't know if you realized the platform you have in this world. You've done SO much in such a short span of time: conquered the music scene, held your own in feature films, killed it on SNL and with Jimmy Fallon's Late Night Show. You can still do more - and let it be through humanity, for the sake of America, the land of the free that you belong to and the place you call home. You can be the start of a collective of people coming together for the prosperity of America. I already associated with Buddy Roemer, Gary Johnson, Lawrence Lessig, and Ron Paul. We need an alliance of AMERICANS outside of the political duopoly to make a change. If Michael Jackson and Marvin Gaye were still alive...I can only wonder what kind of world we'd be living in and what message they would help put out. 
Much love - I don't expect any type of reply. I just want you to be aware.
Jennifer Green

It's time to WAKE UP, America. We've got so many opportunities for change that we don't realize are possible until we go looking for them. 

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